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  NSoM Team

The New Story of Marketing (#NSoM) was created by a group of ethical entrepreneurs participating in the pilot ‘Applications of Ethical Marketing’ certification program (2013-14), the second in a series of ethical marketing programs developed by the 7 Graces Project CIC. This not-for-profit social enterprise was founded by Lynn Serafinn in 2012 to train, support, mentor and inspire independent business owners and corporations to market their businesses ethically, to serve society and planet, and restore all that is good about humanity.

The #NSoM entrepreneurs have collaborated over an 8-month period to birth the New Story of Marketing : The Movie. [read more about the #NSoM Team here]

The New Story of Marketing is a global movement for value-driven entrepreneurs and business owners, sending out the message that marketing and profit CAN be ethical. Our movie is – we hope! – an entertaining, thought-provoking exploration of what we – as consumers and businesses – dislike most about modern-day marketing practices, and show you how we believe how marketing CAN be: a way of connecting with, and inspiring, others by adding value to people’s lives and ultimately making the world a better, safer and more joyful place to live and work.

The movement is  based on the holistic model created by Lynn Serafinn in her book, The 7 Graces of Marketing, which offers a set of practical values for a new paradigm of marketing and life.

7 Graces of MarketingWe invite you to

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